
Groundbreaking is planned for Summer 2023!

终于, 和 through the generosity 和 perseverance of many, we have exceeded our capital campaign fundraising goal, secured a USDA Rural Development Construction Loan, 和 plans are in place to break ground on our campus expansion project in 2023. 

Patience, perseverance, 和 gratitude are constants at Latham Centers. Each day we challenge one another to have the patience to endure challenges, perseverance to learn from 和 overcome obstacles, 和 the practice of gratitude to recognize the kindness, 支持, 和 generosity of those around us. Sustaining momentum 和 enthusiasm for this project while overcoming obstacles has highlighted the importance of these values. 一如既往地, the children 和 adults we serve, 和 their dedicated families have inspired us along the way. Each day we witness them rise 和 face seemingly insurmountable challenges with joy, 的决心, 和爱.

This project has been the most exciting 和 challenging we have encountered in more than four decades. While the journey has been longer than anticipated, the most worthwhile endeavors often take time. This campus expansion 和 the creation of the Latham Community 和 Arts Center will dramatically enhance the lives of our students, 成年居民, 和 工作人员 for years to come. 

Thank you to the Latham families, 工作人员, 董事会成员, 志愿者, 和 community stakeholders who invested in this project to make this dream a reality. 俗话说得好, “slow 和 steady wins the race,” 和 crossing the finish line will be sweeter with all of you by our side. We will continue to share project updates, including news about our upcoming groundbreaking event 和 ribbon-cutting celebrations. We hope to share the incredible pride 和 excitement with you when we tour the new Latham campus!



2015 - Latham Centers launches the silent phase of the Exp和ing our Circle 资本运动 for the new Latham Community 和 Arts Center.

2017 - $250,000 Challenge Match pledged by an anonymous donor. Latham Centers announces the Public Phase of the Campaign.

2018 – Successfully Completed $250,000 Challenge Match.

2019 – The community continues to 支持 this priority initiative. Latham Board 和 administration decide to scale back fundraising solicitation 和 project plans to address the Covid-19 p和emic.

2021 – Latham Centers eng年龄s Equity Schools, Inc. to re-imagine the planned expansion to address critical program needs for additional classroom space, implement cutting-edge school design to meet the needs of our population, 和 lever年龄 funding opportunities.

USDA Rural Development awards Latham Centers an $800,000 grant to fund non-construction costs 和 furniture, 固定装置, 和 equipment related to the project. 

2022 – Latham receives an additional $1,075,000 in USDA Rural Development Emergency Healthcare grant funding for project construction costs. 

USDA Rural Development Construction Loan is approved.


Reaching for the Future

At Latham School, children from 8 years to young adults of 22 years are under the care of a special needs teacher 和 aide. In small home room classes of eight or fewer students. 阅读更多….


Safe Pass年龄 to Adulthood

While some Latham children return home to family or enroll in programs closer to home, others may transition to our Adult 项目 or remain on Cape Cod to live independently 阅读更多….


You can Make a Difference

A gift to Latham Centers will make a difference in the life of each 和 every individual we serve. To make it as easy as possible for you to donate, we offer a variety of gift vehicles 阅读更多….